Recipe: Miso soup

Miso soup is just one of those things that is so nourishing and healing for the body.


Here is why:
Its high in amino acids

Contains trace vitamin B12

Its a live food containing lactobacillus which aids digestion and assimilation

Alkalising for the body, promoting resistance to disease.


Its best assimilated when combine with food especially vegetables, don’t overcook, add just before you remove from flame – don’t use too much, there is a lot of salt and having too much will cause issues that are caused by too much salt (week heart and nervous system)


It is also extremely healing for the kidneys ( and the water element, see post titled: Balancing your energy with the elements ) and is a great way to bring up your energy in the morning, helping you feel grounded and ready for the day, it is also great for helping people get over the symptoms of coffee withdrawal. 


To found out more about live fermented foods and the health benefits see post titled: Candida? what it is and how to overcome it. 



3 or 4 of any vegetables you like, my favourite are: carrot, celery, onion, swede, spring onion, parsley, bean sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, green beans, 

A piece the size of your thumb of wakame seaweed
Fresh ginger root
Optional: Unrefined oil for sauteing


I like to do this, it adds flavour but not necessary, i saute an onion at the bottom of a pot for a few min, then I add water, you can make as much or as little as you like of this recipe so just put as much water as you want portions of soup.


Add in all the vegetables that you want (except the greens like spring onion or parsley, add these at the end for freshness) together with ginger root and wakame (cut the wakame into small pieces) and let cook about 15 min until all veg is soft. 


Add 1 tsps of miso per bowl of soup.

Stir in and turn off fire, don't cook for more than 30 seconds.

RecipesDevori Nussbaum