Recipe: Peanut butter and chocolate fudge


660g Rice syrup

660g Peanut butter

200g Raisins

200g Brown rice flour

90g Cocoa powder

2 small pinches of salt


On a low flame toast brown rice flour whilst you stir it until it becomes very slightly browned

Mix rice flour with cocoa and salt

Pour rice syrup in a saucepan and bring it to a mild boil. Add peanut butter and raisins in and stir it all for a half a minute or until well mixed, then remove from the fire.

Pour rice flour and cocoa mixture into the rice syrup mixture and mix well until completely combined.


Spread it out on a tray so that's 1.5 cm thick and place it in the freezer for an hour. Once it's taken out the freezer it should be very hard, so leave it to rest at room temperature for

15min before cutting and serving.

RecipesDevori Nussbaum